Lorin D'Costa- Chess Coach, Presenter & Author

As a professional chess coach, my underlying aim is to help children of all chess strengths enjoy and play the game of chess.
This website is mainly about junior chess in England, and giving advice to parents on how their child can improve their chess and most of all, enjoy the game! Often parents whose children play chess have no experience at all of the game and how the chess tournament circuit works, where to look in terms of training etc. so I hope this site will answer many of those questions.
* Available for Coaching at Your School * 1-1 chess lessons * Available for Lectures and Simultaneous Exhibitions
Please feel free to email me with any questions or enquiries!
LATEST (24th April 2021)
Stay Safe, Play Fair Online!
Message from GM David Howell and WFM Sarah Longson on playing chess fairly online, to make sure we get the most fun and enjoyment
ECF Online Grand Prix
Entries are open for the ECF Online Blitz Grand Prix and ECF Online Rapid Grand Prix series on lichess. The events run monthly from March to November 2021 and will be held at 2:00pm on the first Sunday of each month (for the Blitz Tournaments) and the third Sunday of each month (for the Rapid Tournaments).
Prizes will be based on points at the end of the season calculated on the player’s highest six results across all events. Please see the Grand Prix webpage for more details
ECF Grand Prix
The entry forms are here:
ECF Online Blitz Grand Prix
ECF Online Rapid Grand Prix
The leaderboards can be found here:
Blitz Leaderboard
Rapid Leaderboard
The next event will be round 3 of the Blitz at 2:00 pm on Sunday 2nd May
So your child wants to learn chess online?
Here are the FREE courses that the website Chessable is offering that I can recommend.
Chessable FREE tactics courses online
Chessable FREE opening courses online
Want to learn an opening repertoire for white and black?
Check out my Chessable series
Practice those chess tactics!
Online Junior Chess Clubs
I can recommend these chess playing and learning platforms;